Product NameProduct Pricenominal width systemmaterial Imaterial IIVersion BInstruction Manualnominal size Iinside diameteroutside parameter Ioutside parameter (absolute)length (absolut)partial length Iweightpartial height Igap width/hole widthopen sieve surfaceexternal surfacestandardscrews to be usednominal pressurebolt circleافزودن به سبد خرید
    6101941115030€0DIN1.4404EPDMwith slotted strainer tubeAngle 191 Strainer and Dirt Trap15015018390863339.21371139
    موجودی :
    6101942115010€2537DIN1.4307EPDMwith slotted strainer tubeAngle 191 Strainer and Dirt Trap15015018390863339.21371574
    موجودی :
    6101942115030€0DIN1.4404EPDMwith slotted strainer tubeAngle 191 Strainer and Dirt Trap15015018390863339.21371574
    موجودی :
    644300875€219DIN1.4404150150154557.54polishedsimilar DIN EN 1092-1 191 11 Form B1 for Pipes DIN EN 103578/M20 x 7016240
    موجودی :
    644300876€178.25DIN1.4301/1.4307150150154557.54polishedsimilar DIN EN 1092-1 191 11 Form B1 for Pipes DIN EN 103578/M20 x 7016240
    موجودی :


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