Product NameProduct Pricematerial IIndicationlength (absolut)weightwall thickness Itradelengthnominal width systemnominal size Iinside diameterpartial length Ipartial length IIpartial height Iافزودن به سبد خرید
    40707€01.4301/1.4307other dimensions on request601.8844
    موجودی :
    40707€01.4301/1.4307other dimensions on request601.41334
    موجودی :
    460153002€13.331.4408inside Ra ≤ 0.8 µm in the passage, with solid ball and FDA60Inch3/4"G 3/4"12547.562
    موجودی :
    580033€01.4301/1.4307other dimensions on request605.4266
    موجودی :
    6640000010050€2.71.4571 / 316Ti600.005above 20 - 2825
    موجودی :


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