Safety Valve Liner Flange/Nut Flange Standard with lifting device DIN 11864-2 DIN

Safety Valve Liner Flange/Nut Flange Standard with lifting device DIN 11864-2 DIN
nominal width systemDIN
Version A82
Version Bwith lifting device
IndicationSimilar to illustration
QuestionnaireFill in with ordering
standardDIN 11864-2
    Product NameProduct Pricenominal width systemmaterial Iexternal surfaceVersion AVersion BIndicationQuestionnaireFlyerstandardnominal size Iroughness insideinside diameteroutside parameter II (Red)outside parameter (absolute)absolute widthheight (absolute)weightfurther inside diameterbolt circlepartial height Ibolt circle Inarrowest flow diameter (only SiV)افزودن به سبد خرید
    4754050101€1600DIN1.4404metal bright / finely finished82with lifting deviceSimilar to illustrationFill in with orderingDownloadDIN 11864-2250.82694964829.85053/4x98577/4x9
    موجودی :
    4754070101€1750DIN1.4404metal bright / finely finished82with lifting deviceSimilar to illustrationFill in with orderingDownloadDIN 11864-2400.83894964829.95065/4x98577/4x9
    موجودی :
    4754080101€1862.1DIN1.4404metal bright / finely finished82with lifting deviceSimilar to illustrationFill in with orderingDownloadDIN 11864-2500.85011310651210.56677/4x910395/8x9
    موجودی :
    4754090101€2592.4DIN1.4404metal bright / finely finished82with lifting deviceSimilar to illustrationFill in with orderingDownloadDIN 11864-2650.86613312864124.78195/8x9114112/8x11
    موجودی :
    4754100101€3067.3DIN1.4404metal bright / finely finished82with lifting deviceSimilar to illustrationFill in with orderingDownloadDIN 11864-2800.881159142.566129.5100112/8x11126137/8x11
    موجودی :
    4754120101€5582.5DIN1.4404metal bright / finely finished82with lifting deviceSimilar to illustrationFill in with orderingDownloadDIN 11864-21000.8100183177.573242.7125137/8x11152.5161/8x11
    موجودی :


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