
    Product NameProduct Pricenominal width systemmaterial IVersion AVersion BCertificatenominal size Iinside diameteroutside parameter Ioutside parameter (absolute)length (absolut)partial length Iweightnominal size IIexternal surfacestandardalternative Nominal system Ialternative Nominal system IIIndicationnominal size alternative NS Inominal size alternative NS IIscrews to be usednutsافزودن به سبد خرید
    119200762€10ISO1.4404 (316L) / H2Series BSeries CDownload17.21417.222100.03
    موجودی :
    119200892€9.9Inch1.4404 (316L) / H2Series CSeries DDownload1/2"9.412.722100.031/2"
    موجودی :
    119400412€10.45DIN1.4404 (316L) / H2Series ASeries ADownload15161923.5100.03
    موجودی :
    119400902€10.6Inch1.4404 (316L) / H2Series CSeries DDownload3/4"15.7519.0523.5100.033/4"
    موجودی :
    1201400001510F€3.35DIN1.4301/1.4307long151518170.03polishedDIN 11851
    موجودی :
    1201400001530F€4.63DIN1.4404long151518170.03polishedDIN 11851
    موجودی :
    1613M4061680031€16ISOA4-7013.50.03InchPipe 82: 138 Series B (DIN EN ISO 1127)4/M6 x 164/M6
    موجودی :
    1613M4082080031€14DINA4-70Oct-500.032 1/2"ISOPipe 82: 138 Series A (DIN EN 10357, Series A)4/M8 x 204/M8
    موجودی :
    2000177€0DIN1.4307Weldon101013400.03metal brightDIN 11852
    موجودی :
    2000182€0DIN1.4404Weldon101013400.03metal brightDIN 11852
    موجودی :
    2000300001010€7.09DIN1.4307Weldon1091238120.03polishedDIN 11852
    موجودی :
    2000300001020€5.3DIN1.4307Weldon1091238120.03mattDIN 11852
    موجودی :


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